Customer Review

“I started getting age spots on my forehead in my 40s. Now I’ve had them lasered, I feel much more confident. I’m really happy with the results and I was very impressed with the treatment.”

Joan Atkins

Age Spot / Pigmentation Removal Treatment

Areas of pigmentation are usually caused by sun-damage or hormone imbalances. They can be a tell-tale sign of ageing but we can reduce the appearance of pigmentation on your face, hands, chest and other parts of the body to make your skin look brighter and younger.

Laser light is used to scatter and destroy the unwanted pigmentation, layer by layer. The laser also helps to stimulate collagen which has a further anti-ageing effect. The treatment feels a bit like an elastic band pinging on the skin.

The number of sessions required will depend on the depth of the pigmentation. An average of 4 sessions are recommended to achieve the best, long-lasting results. Sessions are spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart.

Price List

Course of 4 Sessions
Face and Neck
Small Lesions